Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Finding Happiness!

Amongst several goals of human life or rather at the bottom of all of them, we all strive to find happiness. I tried imagining moments which bring smiles on people's faces, those which make them forget everything and they in real terms live those moments. It is for those few seconds and that sense of achievement later - that eternal satisfaction, that we direct our energies wishfully towards our objective. 

Perhaps my description of happiness is different from what people perceive, it might not be the end result of toiling for long and then some sudden profound achievement, it might not also be a journey to success. Some people do not always achieve what they wish for. 

A one year old child playing with his toys is also happy. He is too young to think of any goal, a journey or some toiling. He derives his amusement from his life-less toys and his relentless imagination. He is happy because he is absorbed.

People in space station derive their happiness from several sources. They make calls back to their home, imagine their family's life on earth, share their experiences, perform their tasks, they move out to space walk and they also try to sleep amongst all this. Is it happiness or is it happiness out of duty? Imagine expressions of same astronauts when they light a candle in their space station. It is necessity when we are in dark on earth but its a fun there. There is no gravity, no convectional movement of air around the flame - which are responsible for the way we see flame on earth. It is a tiny blue spherical ball around the wick which goes off by itself in a few seconds. They enjoy the unexpected, though explainable phenomenon. Their happiness is sensory.

A maulvi's happiness lies in admiration of his folks when they kneel down to Allah in submission. He believes that his people will be the best of all someday when they will be true to themselves and to God.

A small girl is happy when she holds her father's finger and walks with him. A young boy is happy when his girl first responds to him. An old man sitting alone on a park bench is happy when he finds a company. Security, warmth and companionship is happiness for them.

It is not always the view from mountain top, nor the arduous journey one needs to reach there. It probably lies in sitting at milestones, adoring the beauty around, experimenting, taking care of people around, being warm, filling voids and reaching out. Happiness is in moments we look into.

21 Jan 2014

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